Let us take the time-consuming job of managing your development off your hands. We also offer a totally transparent fee structure which is specifically designed to work for you and your development. Contact us to find out more.

Service Charges

Reviewed in consultation with our clients, we can set the appropriate level of Service Charges, taking into account funds held in Trust and expected levels of expenditure. We ensure suitable Reserve Funds are in place for the long-term management of your properties. We will issue invoices to Lessees in accordance with the Lease.

Service Charge Collection

We receive service charge payments via Direct Debit or Standing Order and paid into the secure bonded Client Account in your development’s name. All clients’ monies are held in Trust. We will follow up late payments and take appropriate steps to ensure payment. New instructions with a history of bad payment, have had arrears eliminated under our control.

General Property Management

With regular visits to your properties, we always ensure that the buildings and grounds are maintained to a good standard within the limits of the maintenance budget. We will liaise with clients over specific areas of concern and prepare and distribute circulars when necessary.

Supervision of Contractors

We will liaise with all contractors, reviewing contracts, obtaining quotations, and ensure proper levels of workmanship are provided.

Payment of Suppliers

We will pay all invoices upon satisfactory completion of services or supply, at the appropriate time.

Preparation of Accounts

We supply the Accountants with all the information they require to prepare the end of year financial statement, ensuring that all relevant information is submitted to the Inland Revenue and Companies House as appropriate.


Our insurance brokers have been successful in reducing insurance premiums for many of our clients and we would recommend that all insurance matters are processed through them. We forward claims made by Lessees on the Buildings Insurance Policy.